Send thanks to a coworker on Workplace
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To give a coworker thanks on Workplace:
1. Go to your coworker's profile

Go to the profile of the coworker you'd like to thank and click
Send Thanks.
2. Choose who you want to thank

Add the names of the people you'd like to thank. The person whose profile you've clicked Send Thanks from will be included by default.
3. Write your thanks message

Your message can be up to 160 characters. If you don’t write anything, your message will say “Thanks!”.
4. Post on timelines

Click Post on timelines. If you are only thanking one person, click Post on timeline.
5. Receive confirmation message

Once done, you'll receive a confirmation message. You'll now be able to see the Thanks post on the coworkers' timelines.
View coworkers' thanks
Thanks messages can be viewed by anyone in your Workplace. To view a coworker's thanks:
- Go to their profile and hover over the Thanks section in the lower right column.
- Click See All and a list of the thanks messages they've received will appear.
- Click on a thanks message to view the original post, or click Close.
More about sending a coworker thanks
- You can choose to notify your coworker’s manager when you send a thanks. If you choose this, their manager will receive a notification.
- You will only see the thanks button on someone else's profile. You won't see it on your own profile.
- The thanks button isn't available for coworkers who have changed their account settings so that no one other than themselves can post on their timeline.